Week 12

3 months in,

Started with a brilliant rehab session with the Clare ladies football physio on Sunday. It started with physio and we worked on jumping techniques and landing and then finished with some straight line running. It still feels a bit strange but it's progressing all the same. I've built up to 15 mins of interval slow jogging :).

I went to another reformer pilates class in Excel Physiotherapy this week and I found it excellent! It's really helping with my bending and I've definitely noticed a different after two sessions so I'm going to try my best to make it a part of my weekly routine going forward.

I did a three month post injury push and pull test in UL this week (thanks a million to DJ for organising it :)). My God it was hard! It started off real easy and then it was a max extension and bending exercises against a force for five sets. VERY TOUGH! Right leg is expectedly far weaker than my left but I'd assume it has built back up a lot even in the last couple of weeks.

I could participate almost fully in at the Clare gym session Friday night (except running) but it was class, both upper body and lower body exercises that it :)! I don't feel like a spare wheel now as much as I used to :) :) Well done Naomi :).

Reformer Pilates Studio
I went to the pool for a recovery session at the end of the week to do some stretching and swimming  and use the plunge pool. On my way up I was listening to RTE 2FM and Dr Olivia Hurley was speaking to Dave Fanning about Andy Murray's injury and the psychological effects an injury plays. I found it really interesting and one thing I picked up on was that the skills that help you to perform in sport are the same skills you need to get through rehab and also how important it has to have a social network and people to help and to keep you going!

With Ged going back to Georgia I'm back training mostly on my own again. It can be hard to know if I'm doing exercises correctly so watching back my videos is currently how I'm correcting my technique. It's not an ideal situation but it could be worse.  For example even with my video belowe when I first watched it I thought I was going well but when I sent it to Ged he told me that my knees were going in before jumping. I had been focusing so much on the landing that I wasn't thinking about the other steps! I'll hopefully have that improved for next week :).

UL - 3 Month Testing
Achievements of the week:

1. Jogging for 15 mins on and off
2. Feeling more comfortable at Reformer Pilates
3. Hopping backwards also now :)

Training Plan for the week:
4 x Jog (Slow pace focus on leg movement not speed)
2 x Cycle - different distances/Inclines
1 x Reformer Pilates
1 x Pool
4/6 x gym lower/upper body
Rehab exercises everyday



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