Week 9
More progress made this week and a pretty positive one overall. I started doing home spinning sessions and I also went to my first Reformer Pilates class in Excel Phsyiotherapy in Clarecastle. The stiffness in my knee is still there and becomes increasingly sore as the weather gets colder. This week my scar has been quite sore also, I'm not sure why but it has been stinging quite a lot and I have been using bio oil to help with the scar tissue.
I got confirmation that my next appointment with my surgeon Mr Hogan is in early Janurary so I'm looking forward to seeing how the progress is. I didn't have a physio session this week but instead went to reformer pilates. I found it brilliant, and really hard. It's very good for ROM and core exercises! I asked my physio would I get a six pack out of it... He laughed and said no.. Very disappointing :). My knee feels a lot stronger again this week and I'm enjoying the home spinning sessions (thanks to YouTube :)).
We had a mobility/movement session with Brian Movement 101 during the week, he gave us three exercises to work on, spinal movement (Cow/Camel) and two hip and knee movement exercises. I found it very beneficial and he sent me on another exercise to work on over the coming weeks for my knee!
For the first time since I got injured I could do all but one or two exercises at the Clare camogie gym session this week, absolutely delighted with myself haha. It was really nice to hear one of the coaches comment on my progress especially over the last two weeks :). I'm off work for two weeks for Christmas now so I'm going to up the training and see how that goes for me.
New exercises for this week :)
1. Reformer Pilates.
2. Spinning sessions (Home).
NB Continue all other exercises!
Achievements of the week:
1. Could get into quad stretch more easily.
2. Can participate more in Clare camogie gym sessions :)
3. Nipping in and out of the shops for the Christmas presents.
Training Plan for next week:
(The first video below is my home spinning session and the second is the difference of a week doing the same exercise)

I got confirmation that my next appointment with my surgeon Mr Hogan is in early Janurary so I'm looking forward to seeing how the progress is. I didn't have a physio session this week but instead went to reformer pilates. I found it brilliant, and really hard. It's very good for ROM and core exercises! I asked my physio would I get a six pack out of it... He laughed and said no.. Very disappointing :). My knee feels a lot stronger again this week and I'm enjoying the home spinning sessions (thanks to YouTube :)).

For the first time since I got injured I could do all but one or two exercises at the Clare camogie gym session this week, absolutely delighted with myself haha. It was really nice to hear one of the coaches comment on my progress especially over the last two weeks :). I'm off work for two weeks for Christmas now so I'm going to up the training and see how that goes for me.
New exercises for this week :)

2. Spinning sessions (Home).
NB Continue all other exercises!
Achievements of the week:
1. Could get into quad stretch more easily.
2. Can participate more in Clare camogie gym sessions :)
3. Nipping in and out of the shops for the Christmas presents.
Training Plan for next week:
4 x gym sessions (Upper/lower body).
3 x spinning sessions/Rowing.
3 x swimming sessions.
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