Week 3


Three weeks down and we are flying it. Well not flying it but walking, very slowly, without crutches. First win of the week. I’m celebrating all my little wins :)! There’s been several ups, and a few downs this week, but the good news is that I’m improving! I was sick at the start of the week from the medication so I gave them up. I’m starting to feel more like myself this week too and I’m trying to plan different things to keep myself busy. I’ve had enough of Netflix for a lifetime (leading every conversation with ‘Have you seen Making a Murderer 2’ can only get you so far) so any ideas would be great :).

I mentioned last week that my knee was a little stiffer than anticipated and was causing me a bit of bother. As a result, and due to the fact that I had a check up in Santry on Wednesday, my physio kept the exercises pretty much the same but told me to increase volume to try improve range of ROM (range of movement). My check up in Santry went fine, Mr Hogan was happy with how the wound was healing and with how much the swelling had gone down (cryocuff). He told me ideally however that my range of motivation should be a little better by that stage… SO that withered me anyway… but he also told me everyone heals differently and that it could be due to all the bruising etc etc...

I went to physio with this information and told him of my levels of witheredness and then all my big wins in the week (highs and lows). We spent loads of the session working on ROM. My knee felt like it was getting stuck at a certain point (it reminded me of when you extend your arm to straight and it won’t go further, it was just stopping at a point). After all the work anyway there was a massive improvement by the end and sure I was only delighted with myself… for two minutes until I started worrying about my extension. It’s improving but by God is it slow! My new method is putting something under my ankle and putting a small weight on my knee and letting gravity try to straighten it. This, and heating my knee before exercises is good too and allowing me to do more.

Exercise plan this week:
1. Toe raises x loads
2. Quad activation (slightly improving but still weak)
3. Band exercise for quad activation 10 x 10s
4. Heel slides - new variation for this exercise
5. 3 x 30 seconds plank
6. Stationary bike - Aim for full rotations
7. 25 mins of walking 4-6 times x week (Charlie loves this part).

I mentioned last week that I was hoping to be riding a stationary bike but had to settle for a foot pedal bike. I’ve now progressed to a stationary bike (this reminds me of a small child learning all these things for the first time and being delighted, I’ve the same approach). I started with three backwards rotations and by the next day I was up to 15 minutes vvvvvvv slowly forward and I’m now on 30 minutes. As I’m still restricted with the ROM I can’t put my foot in the pedal, but sure that will come with time! I’ve also added upper body gym work into my routine too (operation 'Become a Beast' in full flow). It’s handy to have the rehab room in the house for these!

Achievements of the week:
1. No more crutches :)
2. I can now drive.
3. Charlie got a haircut and looks majestic.
4. First check up went fine.
5. ROM is definitely improving (Kitchen table has many uses).
6. Upper body work added back in.

I’m back to work next week also which I’m looking forward to, so all in all a far more positive week than last! It's a long old slog but my family and friends have been very supportive (like Rob who made this unreal cake) and helpful (like the ones who came to eat it :)!) It makes it that bit easier! Kind souls :)



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