It's been two weeks now since I had surgery in Santry and there has been some minor improvements. People say it's very important to stay positive throughout the recovery and in theory I agree but in practice it's very difficult. It’s really hit me this week how individual the recovery is and that each person is different and heals differently. I was hoping to be riding a stationary bike by the end of week 2 but the stiffness in my knee hasn’t allowed for this. I have been able to use a foot pedal bike which I suppose is something.
My routine for this week has been similar to last in terms of exercises (also icing at every available opportunity).
3 x 10 toe raises
3 x 100 quad activation (slightly improving but still weak)
3 x 10 heel slides (working on the bed)
3 x 30 seconds plank
15 mins on pedal bike 3 x week
25 mins of walking 4-6 times x week
I mentioned during week 1 that I had hamstring pain post physio and sitting on a bus. That settled down in a few days but made some of the exercises more difficult. I suppose it’s important to recognise and acknowledge how weak my hamstring is at the minute post surgery. The physio had told me that something as small as kicking my shoe off could cause a strain.

I thought I was flying it mid week and had abandoned the crutches altogether! I have the bend to almost 90 degrees and straightening is definitely improved too but taking the physio's advice I’m gone back to one crutch to eliminate the limp. Again, the progress is very slow and it’s hard to lie and say it’s not frustrating me (very withered) It’s the stiffness that’s causing the limp so I’m hoping that once it loosens out I’ll be progressing at a quicker rate. Mr Hogan told me that he also fixed the medial meniscus during the surgery so I’m unsure as to whether this is contributing to the stiffness. I'm back up to Santry on Wednesday for a post-operation check up so I'll know more then.
I got out a bit more this week too, started off with going out to the Clare camogie trials. As I told my father 'twas a bit optimistic putting me in midfield for the second half and I was all seized up after it! Worryingly, he believed me and went on a 30 second rant about other peoples stupidity (ironic Dad!! hahaha) . I even ventured to the doctors to get the staples out. I also went to a farming mart (dressed in my flamboyant yellow coat, apparently it’s not farming attire). I didn’t come home with any cattle or bullocks but there’s definitely potential now that I’m a farming wizard (my dad is thrilled). It's great to be able to do a little more but I'm still exhausted most of the time since surgery. Again, I assume everyone is different but I have to sleep for a few hours most days which I'm not thrilled about.
Achievements of the week:
1. Can now put on my own socks.
2. Showering is less of a struggle (Very clean).
3. Down to one crutch (Pro's and con's).
4. Pedal bike (backwards is easier than forwards).
5. Closer to full extension (still a good few degrees off) and almost 90 bend (not great but doing the whole 'be positive' thing).
It's also probably important to recognise at this stage that I am 2 weeks into a 9 month recovery so one would assume it's a little early to be this withered. I'll work on that for next weeks post :).
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